Field Notes

Field Notes

The 2019 North Region Field Championships is another installment of the tournament that has been running at Chicago Bow Hunters for many years now.  Field Archery is similar to golf, where there are targets placed along a walking course, and you compete at each target in sequence.  The targets are different distances away, different heights upContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Archery – Back to the Workshop

Archery – Back to the Workshop

One of the things that separates the best from the rest is the ability to adapt to changes in conditions, equipment, etc.  How do you get good at change?  Practice changing!  So make sure to add some time to experiment with new equipment, new shot elements, and new training routines.Continue Reading

Archery Demonstrator

Archery Demonstrator

It’s closing on a year since I uploaded my last project.  This one is a rare project that combines all three of the themes of this site. Several of my projects have used Processing.  It’s a quick and fun way to prototype projects, and it can grow to be pretty powerful before needing to moveContinue ReadingContinue Reading



Sometimes hexagons just make better shapes than squares do.  With that in mind, I decided to have some fun creating fields of hexagons, and then doing stuff with them.  I created a script that fills a rectangular field with hexagons, then moves and colors the hexagons according to some simple algorithms.  The results are prettyContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Turing Pattern Generator

Turing Pattern Generator

A while back, I was looking for a quick way to generate some Turing reaction-diffusion patterns.  You know, as a way to pass a lazy Saturday afternoon. What I came a across was Cyclic Symmetric Multi-Scale Turing Patterns by Jonathan McCabe, and a number of links to implementations of some of his algorithms.  One of these implementationsContinue ReadingContinue Reading